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The Tibet flag
The Tibet Flag was introduced in the year 1912. In the Tibet Flag there is a magnificent snow mountain in the centre, which represents Tibet, the Land of Snow Mountains. The Flag of Tibet exhibits six red rays of light radiating from a golden disk in the sky which stands for the six original tribes of Tibet, namely; the Se, Mu, Dong, Tong, Dru and Ra.
The colored jewel symbolizes all the people of Tibet, who are enjoying equally the light of freedom, spiritual and material happiness and prosperity. The Tibet flag displays two courageous snow lions representing the temporal and the spiritual power. In the Tibet flag the two lions are taking the wheel of the Ying Yang. The Ying Yang symbol represents spiritual energy. Upon Ying Yang, there are the 3 jewels of Buddhism, namely Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha, which means the law serving monks.
The 13th Dalai Lama, made the flag of Tibet in 1912, to unite the various army provinces of the region. The flag of Tibet has a rich symbolism to it. The six red bands represent the original ancestors of the people and are painted against the backdrop of the blue of the sky that shows the protection of spiritual teachings. The white triangle in the lower part of the flag represents the Himalayan Mountains, the land of the people. The rising sun is the sign of equal enjoyment of privileges by the people of Tibet. The snow lions on the slopes of the mountain represent fearlessness and unified secular values. The three-coloured jewel held by the lions represents the three spiritual teachings in which the people of Tibet take refuge. The rotating jewel held by the lions represents the correct ethical behaviour of the people along with the correct codes of moral conduct as is laid down by the Buddha. The yellow line that forms the perimeter of the flag stands for the spread of the pure gold like teachings of the Buddha. The flag has a ratio of 2:3.
Wapen van Tibet
The Dalai Lama
Geschiedenis van Tibet
Tibetaans schrift
Dit is de naam van een boeddhistisch symbool, dat een knoop zonder einde voorstelt. Het symboliseert de onderlinge afhankelijkheid van alle dingen.Een belangrijk begrip in het Tibetaanse boeddhisme, aangezien alle gebeurtenissen er beschouwd worden als onderling verbonden en afhankelijk van elkaar.
Tibetaans leger
Invasie van Tibet
Tibetaanse regering in ballingschap
Tibet Portaal
The Tibet flag

The Tibet Flag was introduced in the year 1912. In the Tibet Flag there is a magnificent snow mountain in the centre, which represents Tibet, the Land of Snow Mountains. The Flag of Tibet exhibits six red rays of light radiating from a golden disk in the sky which stands for the six original tribes of Tibet, namely; the Se, Mu, Dong, Tong, Dru and Ra.
The colored jewel symbolizes all the people of Tibet, who are enjoying equally the light of freedom, spiritual and material happiness and prosperity. The Tibet flag displays two courageous snow lions representing the temporal and the spiritual power. In the Tibet flag the two lions are taking the wheel of the Ying Yang. The Ying Yang symbol represents spiritual energy. Upon Ying Yang, there are the 3 jewels of Buddhism, namely Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha, which means the law serving monks.
The 13th Dalai Lama, made the flag of Tibet in 1912, to unite the various army provinces of the region. The flag of Tibet has a rich symbolism to it. The six red bands represent the original ancestors of the people and are painted against the backdrop of the blue of the sky that shows the protection of spiritual teachings. The white triangle in the lower part of the flag represents the Himalayan Mountains, the land of the people. The rising sun is the sign of equal enjoyment of privileges by the people of Tibet. The snow lions on the slopes of the mountain represent fearlessness and unified secular values. The three-coloured jewel held by the lions represents the three spiritual teachings in which the people of Tibet take refuge. The rotating jewel held by the lions represents the correct ethical behaviour of the people along with the correct codes of moral conduct as is laid down by the Buddha. The yellow line that forms the perimeter of the flag stands for the spread of the pure gold like teachings of the Buddha. The flag has a ratio of 2:3.
Wapen van Tibet
Geschiedenis van Tibet
Tibetaans schrift
Dit is de naam van een boeddhistisch symbool, dat een knoop zonder einde voorstelt. Het symboliseert de onderlinge afhankelijkheid van alle dingen.Een belangrijk begrip in het Tibetaanse boeddhisme, aangezien alle gebeurtenissen er beschouwd worden als onderling verbonden en afhankelijk van elkaar.
Tibetaans leger
Invasie van Tibet
Tibetaanse regering in ballingschap
Tibet Portaal